Donate Now to the FUND

Why Donate to Fund for Children and Public Education

The Fund/NEA Fund


WHAT IS THE FUND?   The Fund is our state Political Action Committee, which works to support pro-public education candidates on the ballot.

WHY POLITICS?   All the decisions that affect us as public school employees, as well as individuals, are made by elected leaders or individuals appointed by elected leaders.

WHAT IS THE PROCESS?   Screening Committees at local, district, and state levels are comprised of local leaders and representatives who are fund contributors.  Candidates answer questions pertaining only to public education issues.  Screening Committee members then make non-partisan recommendations and endorsements.

WHY GIVE?   Decisions affecting future of public education are made in political bodies.  The Fund allows for greater influence and united power and a greater pool of money.  Provide monetary support to candidates who support public education.  Dues dollars cannot be used to support candidates.

WHO CAN GIVE?    OEA Members:  full-time, part-time, active, retired, students.  OEA Staff

HOW TO GIVE?    Payroll deduction.  LocalFund Drive.  District/OEA/NEA Representative Assemblies.  Various Union Activities, Conferences, and Trainings.  Online giving.  ANY TIME!


OEA only recommends candidates and donates to the Democratic Party.  All candidates are invited to be screened and are screened by local members.  OEA uses various social issues to evaluate candidates.  Questionnaire only focuses on education and public employee issues.

OEA/NEA supports abortion.  Nowhere in any OEA/NEA documents does the word abortion appear.  Actual wording appears in NEA Resolutions I-16 (all methods of family planning).  OEA/NEA Women’s Caucuses continue to monitor and address these issues. 

Watch and listen to members tell why they donate to FCPE.

The video’s title is “A Seat At The Table.”

Follow this link to donate today!